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AD Security Group Updater

A tool that allows the adding or removing of multiple Domain Objects (User, Computer and Groups) into Security Groups, with error handling, meaning if there is any issue during the update of each security group, then the items causing the error will be shown in the "Error Handling" grid with explanation why it failed.

Name: AD Security Group Updater
Version: v3.0
Programing Language: VB.NET (Windows Forms)
Created by: PeskyJim
Download linkADSGUv3
  1. Add a list of Domain Objects* you want to Add or Remove from security groups
  2. Add the security groups you wish to update to the right side
  3. Depending on the Action you want to perform, click on:
    • Remove Objects from Groups: this action will remove the items listed on the left side from the security groups listed on the right side
    • Add Objects to Groups: this action will add the items listed on the left side to the security groups listed on the right side
  4. If there was any problem during the update process, the error handling grid will list them. These are usually the following:
    • Object is already a member of the given group
    • Access Denied: you have no access to add or remove members of the given security group 
*Domain Objects: in our case User- or Computer accounts, and Security Groups.


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