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Task Sequence Example

This is an example Task Sequence that can be used to build an LTI (Light Touch Installation) Media.

  • Add a prompter at the very beginning (our HTA prompter for example), to configure the Installation properties, like:
    • Language specific settings
      • System Locale (OSDSystemLocale)
      • User Locale (OSDUSerLocale)
      • Input Locale (OSDInputLocale)
      • UI Language (OSDUILanguage)
      • Keyboard Layout
      • TimeZone
    • Partition size
    • Installation Type
  • Use these settings in an unattend.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
    <settings pass="oobeSystem">
        <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture=...>
  • Install Drivers. Best way I found:
    • Install drivers for a give model
    • Export these drivers using DISM ( dism /online /export-driver /destination:C:\drivers-backup )
    • Copy exported drivers to a central DFS share, in a specific folder containing the OS version, Manufacture, Model, architecture
    • Map the root share to a drive letter in Task Sequence (Task name: Connect to Network Folder)
    • Create a folder structure in the task sequence where the main folder is the Manufacture, then sub folder for the Model. These folders should have a WMI query under the Options tab:
      • WMI Namespace: root\cimv2
      • WQL Query: select Manufacturer from win32_computersystem where Manufacturer like "%HP%"
    • Use the Run Command Line task to install the drivers in the specific folder
cmd /c dism.exe /Image:%OSDTargetSystemDrive%\ /add-driver /driver:Z:\Microsoft\SurfaceBook2 /recurse /loglevel:4 /LogPath:%OSDTargetSystemDrive%\_DriverInstallLogs\DISM_ADD_DRIVER.log /ScratchDIR:%OSDTargetSystemDrive%\Windows\Temp
  • dfsafdsa

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